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ASTRON booth and Lofar model at the AAS in Seattle

Submitter: Raffaella Morganti on behalf of the AAS expedition team
Description: The 217th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS, http://aas.org/meetings/aas217 ) started on Jan 9th in Seattle. This is one of the largest meeting of the astronomical community.

For the first time, we have an ASTRON booth shining in the exposition area of the AAS. Our delegation (George Heald, Joeri van Leeuwen, Michael Wise, Michiel Brentjens) has installed the booth and above are two pictures sent from Michael Wise's iPhone as a preview. A more detailed Daily Image will follow when the AAS expedition team is back!

A new attraction has a prominent place in the booth: a scale model of the LOFAR LBA and HBA stations embedded in a proper Dutch landscape!
This is a major new addition to the booth that promises to dramatically increase the number of visitors. We have to thank Johan Pragt, Jan Idserda and Sjouke Kuindersma who have helped in planning this and have worked hard to get this ready on time. Note the "blinkyblinky" lights (unfortunately not very clear in the picture) showing the data stream! Once the model is back it will be on display in the hall so you can all enjoy it (and we hope it will be extensively used for outreach!).
Copyright: ASTRON
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