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Foreground Conference 2011

Submitter: Vibor Jelic
Description: The LOFAR-EoR team and ASTRON are organizing the conference Understanding Galactic and extragalactic foregrounds:
A road to success for cosmological experiments
, 23 - 27 May 2011, in Zadar, Croatia.

Currently, there are several cosmological experiments (planned and ongoing) that use low frequency radiation to study the structure, the evolution, and the origin of our Universe. Among those are cosmic microwave background radiation experiments (e.g. Planck satellite) and the redshifted 21cm line of neutral hydrogen from the epoch of reionization (e.g. LOFAR, GMRT, MWA & SKA). In addition to the main scientific goals of each experiment, they all have one more thing in common: prominent Galactic and extragalactic foreground emission that challenges the observations. Therefore, the success of these cosmological observations relies on our understanding of the foregrounds and development of good foreground removal techniques. Obviously, studying the physical origin of these foregrounds, whether Galactic or extra-galactic, constitute a very interesting and exciting field in its own right.

The aim of this meeting is to bring together scientists interested in three main topics: (i) Physics and astrophysics of the Galactic and extra-galactic foregrounds; (ii) influence of these foregrounds on the CMB and EoR observations; and (iii) foreground removal techniques.

Early registration ends on March 11, 2011.
Website: http://www.astron.nl/fgc2011
Copyright: Vibor Jelic
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