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SARA case: understanding space-time with pulsars.

Submitter: Joeri van Leeuwen
Description: One of the case studies featured in the 2010 SARA annual report which came out last week, is our "GBT/PALFA pulsar surveys" project (p. 50-51).

In 2010, we were awarded light paths connections by SURFNet, to connect CEPII (Groningen), DROP (Dwingeloo) and Huygens (Amsterdam). These are now all in place and automated. We are even in the process of extending this fast pulsar network to Ben Stapper's group at University of Manchester.

Combined with time at national supercomputer Huygens, located at SARA, we are using this network to search for radio pulsars in GBT, Arecibo, and now also LOFAR data.

Copyright: JvL
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