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10th e-VLBI Workshop

Submitter: Zsolt Paragi
Description: The first e-VLBI workshop was organized 10 years ago in Haystack, USA. Since then, the technique of observing in real-time with radio telescopes separated by thousands of kilometers from each other has become a reality. The European VLBI Network (EVN) is operating part-time in e-VLBI mode, and there are many other ongoing developments around the world.

The 10th e-VLBI Workshop was held in the Amazingwe Conference center in South Africa, not far from the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomical Observatory. The scope of the meeting has broadened during the last few years. Besides the technicalities of e-VLBI (sending huge amounts of data through various type of optical fibre networks), scientific applications, and the future directions in VLBI technology were also discussed. The third day of the workshop was dedicated to presentations about the planned African VLBI Network.
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