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PSR B2111+46 is Far Out

Submitter: Jason Hessels and Ben Stappers on behalf of the LOFAR PWG
Description: LOFAR is an excellent tool for studying the scattering properties of pulsars. The large fractional bandwidth and low observing frequency make it possible to measure the frequency scaling of scattering as well as, potentially, variations in scattering with time.

This recent observation of PSR B2111+46 is a great example. Near the top of the LOFAR high-band, the pulse profile is still sharp and mostly unscattered. Towards the bottom of the high-band, however, the profile flares out like a faded pair of bell-bottom jeans. This is an impressive display of scattering and we'll be using these data to measure the frequency scaling of scattering as well as to test our profile de-scattering algorithms.

These data are also exciting because they were taken simultaneously with the Effelsberg, GMRT, and Westerbork radio telescopes in order to span the 140-5000MHz frequency range for single pulse studies. The data were collected by an international team including Smits, Karuppusamy, Kramer, Joshi, and Gajjar.
Copyright: JWTH/LOFAR
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