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Evacuation Drill

Submitter: Michel Arts
Description: Every year ASTRON and JIVE have their annual evacuation drill, which has two goals. The first is to practice an evacuation for the whole ASTRON/JIVE staff, including visitors. People have to know what to do in case of a fire alarm. New employees have to become familiar with the procedure and for other employees it is useful to repeat the procedure. The second goal is to train the members of the BHV-crew (emergency response team).

As a rule, two members of the BHV set up a scenario with simulated calamities and victims. This time there was a fire in the climate room in the 1996 building, and due to the fire alarm two people were scared. Alex Klein was in the technical room below the colloquium room, hit his head and became unconsciousness. Erik van der Wal was in the cryo room in the mechanical workshop and got some basic liquid on his trousers. The BHV-crew had to give first aid to these victims and, of course, extinguish the fire.

The pictures show the victims and the fire. Note that the victims were simulated: next year it is your chance to be one:-) Of course the fire was also simulated. For that purpose the BHV has a flame machine.

Triggering the fire alarm is a bit of a challenge. To do this, I used an aluminum profile with tissues from the toilet at the top. Then I ignited this "torch" with a lighter and held it underneath a smoke sensor.

This exercise was very useful for the BHV-crew. Especially the low number of BHV-members present and the absence of our crew leader was a new experience for us. Still, we saved the day.
Copyright: Ronald Halfwerk
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