Submitter: | Jan Buiter |
Description: | On Wednesday the 19th of December 2012, parts of our new building were officially transferred to ASTRON. This happened after careful examination of the new wing by representatives of ASTRON and the main contractor Van Wijnen, who is the real builder, and sub-contractor Cofely, responsible for the electrical and climate control installations. This transfer does not mean that the entire new building is finished. The part where the new colloquium room, the new control room for LOFAR and the WSRT and a boardroom will be housed are still under construction and will be delivered to ASTRON in the summer of 2013. The reason why we already accepted parts of the new building is that people from the oldest part of the building, the so-called 'wing 1980', have to move to the new wing to make room for the contractors to renovate wing 1980. According to the planning, this renovation work will start on January 7th. This means that a lot of work needs to be done by people from ASTRON and JIVE (and an outside moving company) in the days before and after Christmas, in order to move all people from wing 1980 to their new rooms in wing 2012, and to create a working environment for them. The pictures show the signing of the transfer paper by the examiners. We would like to thank the people from Van Wijnen, Cofely and their sub-contractors for the good and easygoing collaboration. |
Copyright: | ASTRON |
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