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Dutch National SETI meeting - ASTRON: 15th & 16th of March 2016.

Submitter: Michael Garrett
Description: Today and tomorrow, ASTRON will host and organise a Dutch national SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) meeting at our HQ in Dwingeloo. The main goal is to bring together for the first time, researchers in the Netherlands actively working in the field and other closely related areas.

The meeting will include presentations that cover a broad range of relevant topics that will be organised along the following lines:

- Radio SETI searches and Breakthrough Listen,
- SETI searches at other wavelengths, incl. optical and infrared,
- SETI and its impact on human culture e.g. art, message composition,
- Cosmic Transients,
- Artefact SETI (e.g. signatures of mega-structures, Dyson spheres, etc),
- Technology challenges for next generation SETI research,
- Exoplanets & bio-signatures,
- Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI).

The meeting will finish off with Dr. Andrew Siemion (Director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center and PI of Breakthrough Listen) giving this week's ASTRON JIVE colloquium (N.B. this week on a Wednesday at 15.30!).

We expect about 30 external participants to attend. The meeting will be held in the van de Hulst auditorium - there should be ample space for ASTRON and JIVE staff to also attend those parts of the programme of special interest.

The programme is now available at:


Copyright: Text: ASTRON. Photo: Anton Futselaar
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