Daily Image

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A very inclusive picture

Submitter: Jan Noordam
Description: This picture brings together a remarkable range of species at the weekly gathering of the secretive Pesse Institute. See whether you can identify them:

  • A departing hero (don't be a stranger).
  • A couple of beaming newly-weds (congratulations!).
  • Some of this year's excellent crop of summer students.
  • A young buck from NOVA (rare, but encouraged).
  • A bright light from DOME.
  • A leader of JIVE, and his lady (once they were newly-weds here too).
  • A stalwart from ASTRON, and his dog.
  • A contented dinosaur, and his lady (our perennial hostess).

    The picture was taken at 22:30, the hallowed moment that marks the start of the second part of the evening program. The champagne was libated to toast the happy couple, who will settle in Beilen. They are prime candidates for keeping the wednesday flame burning, in the fullness of time.
  • Copyright: Madroon Community Consultants (MCC)
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