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Bonn-Dwingeloo meeting

Submitter: Dhanya Nair
Description: Very long baseline interferometry offers unprecedented resolutions in radio astronomy and is under continuous development. For the past two decades regular meetings have been organised between Bonn (MPI für Radioastronomie) and Dwingeloo (ASTRON and JIVE), to share ideas in alternate years to the EVN Symposium. Dwingeloo hosted the meeting at the ASTRON headquarters in Dwingeloo in June this year with a participation of 54 people from Bonn and Dwingeloo.

The meeting was a success, bringing the community from MPIfR, JIVE and ASTRON together with intense scientific discussions. Sixteen talks were given on various topics in radio astronomy including AGN, young-stellar objects, transients, pulsars, gravitational lensing, masers, mm VLBI and EHT. There was also a football match in the evening. More details of the meeting can be found at https://events.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/indico/event/116/overview
Copyright: JIVE
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