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Submitter: Lonneke Kerkhoff
Description: Although we all do our best not to get out of touch with our colleagues because of the ongoing lock-down, it has been over a year since we have seen most of our colleagues. For new ASTRON colleagues this must be even more difficult, because they have only met a few colleagues 'live'. It has been hard but there is also a silver lining!

Thanks to Slack it has been possible for me to get to know colleagues better in a way I may not have succeeded in if we were all in Dwingeloo. Now I know who likes sea shanties, has the cutest pets or has a collection of books that I would very much like to read.

And with the new #Guess-Who? channel in Slack there’s a new challenge in getting to know everyone better. Based on a (baby) picture and three fun facts that only a few people know, the challenge is to guess which colleague the riddle is about. It is a great initiative to keep as many people as possible part of our wonderful and challenging organization.

So.... who's going to beat me in the next round? ;-)

A big thank you to all my colleagues who are active on Slack that make me laugh and wonder everyday. You make working from home manageble for me!
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