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EXPOWER’s Ice Breaker: 'Unleashing the power of exponential functions'

Submitter: David Prinsloo, Annie Cuyt (University of Antwerp)
Description: From May 16 to 19, ASTRON co-organised the Ice Breaker Meeting of the EU funded project EXPOWER (“EXPOnential analysis emPOWERing innovation”). Under the umbrella of the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, this multi-year Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) program combines a broad spectrum of key research activities in exponential analysis. The EXPOWER project is coordinated by the University of Antwerp in Belgium and encompasses eight universities, three research institutes and seven companies from nine countries. ASTRON is among the three participating research institutes. The other two research institutes are the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from the US and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) from Taiwan.

As a topic in computational mathematics, exponential analysis might sound remote, but it touches everybody’s life in many unexpected ways. For example, a substantial amount of research in signal processing is essentially dedicated to the analysis of exponential functions whose exponents are complex. The exponential functions with real exponents are used to portray relaxation, chemical reactions, radioactivity, heat transfer, fluid dynamics.

Although “exponential” is often used to mean “very fast”, making progress in exponential analysis is not so fast because of the intrinsic difficulty of the underlying mathematical problems. Together with the antenna team of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) from Stellenbosch University in South Africa and the Computational and Engineering Mathematics (CEMath) group from the University of Antwerp in Belgium, ASTRON seeks to strengthen the existing collaborations and expand its scientific network with scientists and stakeholders in the development of exponential analysis, from computational mathematics and various application domains.

The EXPOWER project started on October 1st last year. Due to the travel restrictions, the Ice Breaker Meeting was postponed until now. The meeting at ASTRON is attended by both on-site and on-line participants and marks the official kick-off of the consortium. More information is available from the project website: http://expower.eu.
Copyright: EXPOWER
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