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Epaphus - Chasing the space weather of other worlds

Submitter: Joseph Callingham
Description: I have recently been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant to understand the type of weather planets around other stars experience.

The grant was titled "Radio stars and exoplanets: Discovering the space weather of worlds", with a short title "Epaphus". The grant focuses on observing stars and exoplanets at the lowest radio frequencies (particularly with LOFAR). Using this funding, I will scale up the radio calibration and polarimetric techniques that he has developed at ASTRON to study some of the most promising exoplanet planet hosting stars.

The grant will help me and my team understand the environments around other stars, and the underlying laws governing the generation of planetary magnetic fields -- information that will guide astronomers in the coming revolution in exoplanet habitability.

I am looking forward to adding more members to the ASTRON team over the next couple of years!

PS If you connection of Epaphus to the project I will happily to buy you a coffee ;)
Copyright: Public
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