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NAC 1941 (the first)

Submitter: OC NAC 2008
Description: Today is the start of the 64th Nederlandse Astronomen Conferentie (NAC). This year it will be held for three days (7-9 May) in conference centre Mooirivier in Dalfsen, on the banks of the Overijsselsche Vecht.

The image shows the participants of the very first NAC, in Maarn in 1941. It is clear that some things have changed since then, most notably the dress-code and the gender balance. But of course the passion for astronomy is still the same.

Most astronomers will (hopefully) be able to spot giants like Oort, Minnaert, Blaauw, Woltjer(?), and De Jager, and perhaps the young Van de Hulst. A full description by Evert Landre is available via the website of the NAC.
Copyright: ASTRON
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