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A Charming Ritual

Submitter: Jan Noordam
Description: In the Olden Days, astronomers in Leiden used to shuffle tentatively out onto the ice as soon as it seemed safe to do so. Only to find out that Oort had already been skating there the day before.

In Dwingeloo, a charming ritual has established itself over the years. The Oldest Astronomer is the first to venture onto the nearby Kolderveen, while a huddle of colleagues watch expectantly from the shore. Traditionally, he is accompanied by another venerable stalwart, his faithful sweeper, and of course a light-footed photographer.

When (or rather: if) the OA returns from his first pensive lap around the central reed-clump, another skating season has begun. Ideally, it will culminate in the ASTROJIVE skating championship around the LOFAR Superterp.
Copyright: ASTRON
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