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MacAstron lilts a knobbly-kneed Goodbye

Submitter: Jan Noordam
Description: Last week we said goodbye to Mike Garrett, at the end of a decade as the Director of ASTRON, and after 4 years of JIVE. The event was attended by many friends, colleagues and grand dignitaries, some of whom are visible in the picture. Who knows, his mysterious successor might have been among them.

A symposium gave an overview of the great things that have been achieved on Mike's watch(*), in a period of rapid and accelerating change. After a brief interlude of levity (see below), Mike ended with a riveting and passionate speech about the important place of ASTRON (and JIVE, NOVA and DOME) in the world, and the historically close ties with institutions across the North Sea.

The image shows (most of) the Astron Management Team, demonstrating that it takes more than a frilly tartan to be Scottish. For a start, they do not have the knees for wearing a kilt. But they sang a lilting song of longing and regret, which jerked many a tear.

Thank you, Mike. You will be a tough act to follow. But we look forward to seeing you and Miriam regularly, in your new life.

(*) The editors of the ASTRON/JIVE Daily Image are especially grateful to Mike for being the greatest fan of the AJDI. In these priggish times, it is rare for a leader to recognize the value of a Family Chronicle as an integral part of the modern battery of communication instruments. He will be pleased to hear that the (few) images that got us into trouble over the years have been quietly slipped into the AJDI archive, for fond remembrance.
Copyright: Madroon Community Consultants (MCC)
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