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Submitter: Ronald Schrik
Description: Friday March 11, I visited radio telescope Effelsberg, together with Mark Bentum and Lute van de Bult.
Goal was to assess the flooding damage from July 2021 and moreover be supportive to the local LOFAR team. The LOFAR field had been completely flooded, turning the field into a river. Overall the damage was huge, but we will be able to restore the station.

One of the employees mentioned: ‘we didn’t have a flooding’.
Later, as we visited Bad Münstereifel for a quick diner, we realized what he had meant: repairs in the village are still ongoing, many months later. The town has been really devastated by the floods.

Currently, we are collecting parts and arranging to get a crew over there, to assist them in restoring the station. Hopefully soon, the LOFAR station will be completely functional again, in the shadow of their impressive 100m telescope dish.
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