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6th LOFAR Data School

LOFAR School 2021

6th LOFAR Data School

Aim of school

The aim of the School is to introduce the LOFAR system to new members of the LOFAR community who will analyse both interferometric and high time resolution beamformed LOFAR data. Students, postdocs, and staff are all encouraged to attend. The School will cover the many aspects of the LOFAR system from the capabilities of the basic station hardware to the software pipelines and their science products. Lectures and demos will be presented by members of the LOFAR project team as well as staff from the many institutions involved in the collaboration. Participants will have the choice of following demos on beamformed or interferometric data reduction. Online material will also be provided for offline hands-on data processing sessions. Interaction and networking between participants and lecturers will be promoted via Q&A sessions as well as team building activities.


Minimum requirements for participants

Presentations will be given at a level appropriate for someone new to LOFAR. Familiarity with standard data processing software such as CASA will be useful, but not required. Minimum requirements should include some familiarity with the concepts of radio interferometry and with scripting languages, in particular Python. Parallel sessions covering more advanced topics are also planned.

More information about (joining) the event can be found here.

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Mar 22 - 26 2021






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