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International Women in Engineering Day

Yesterday marked International Women in Engineering Day. We at ASTRON are very proud of our women engineers. Two of those are Ágnes Mika and Paula Fusiara.

Published by the editorial team, 24 June 2024

Origin of fast radio bursts come into focus through polarized light

Non-repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) probably originate from galaxies similar to our Milky Way.

Published by the editorial team, 11 June 2024

Violette Impellizzeri to head astronomy and operations department

We are excited that Dr Violette Impellizzeri will join ASTRON as head of the Astronomy & Operations department. She will start her new duties on 1 September 2024. Her research focus is on VLBI investigations of the molecular gas enveloping black holes and spectral line analyses.

Published by the editorial team, 31 May 2024

New calibration technique circumvents Earth’s ionosphere

An international team of researchers has developed a new calibration technique to circumvent disturbances of Earth’s ionosphere.

Published by the editorial team, 6 May 2024

ASTRON has turned 75!

75 years ago today, SRZM (Stichting Radiostraling van Zon en Melkweg/Netherlands Foundation for Radio Astronomy) was founded. This organization would later become ASTRON.

Published by the editorial team, 23 April 2024

ASTRON launches database of female experts

Today marks International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is ‘Inspire Inclusion’.

Published by the editorial team, 8 March 2024

Open Dag: 6 oktober/Open Day: October 6th

Sun 06 Oct 2024

English follows Dutch   Bezoek ons tijdens onze open dag op 6 oktober Hoe klinkt een dode ster? Hoe maak je onzichtbaar licht zichtbaar? Hoe werkt een zwart gat? Waarom kun je met een radiotelescoop terug in de tijd kijken? Achter al deze en nog veel meer interessante dingen kom je tijdens onze open dag […]

Toegepaste RF-techniek

Mon 04 Nov 2024 - Thu 07 Nov 2024

De cursus Toegepaste RF-techniek bestaat uit een theoriegedeelte (75%) en hands-on sessies in ons eigen lab (25%).
Deelnemers aan deze cursus dienen een hbo werk- en denkniveau te hebben. De deelnemer kent de basisbegrippen van elektronica. Parate kennis van wiskundige concepten is niet vereist, maar komt wel aan de orde bij de transmissielijntheorie. In de cursus wordt ook complexe rekenwijze toegepast.

A Very Disco Outfit

© Cassie Tooms

On July 3rd, ASTRON celebrated its 75th anniversary with the Very Disco(very) festival! Since inhabitants of Lhee were also invited, and a dress code was set for the party, we decided to arrive in style!

ASTRON-trained horses Freddie and Trusty also wanted to join the party, and carried Elise and Gemma there. Michiel was ready to join the picture in full disco outfit!

The party was a huge success, with very positive feedback from Lhee locals who were happy to join and enjoyed the food and the music!


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