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Info sessions about proposing LOFAR2.0 Large Programmes

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Info sessions about proposing LOFAR2.0 Large Programmes

The International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) is preparing for a significant upgrade, LOFAR2.0, for which a Large Programme Portfolio will be composed. The online information sessions will take place on:

Thursday, 7 October 12-15 UT
Tuesday, 12 October, 7-10 UT

Hour 1:

  • Welcome word – RenĂ© Vermeulen (5min)
  • LOFAR2.0 expected observing capabilities – Jason Hessels + Cees Bassa for COBALT2.0 + Jean-Mathias for NenuFAR + Tim Shimwell for commissioning plans (10min+5min questions)
  • LOFAR2.0 White Paper – Jason Hessels (10min+5min questions)
  • LOFAR2.0 development and roll out – Wim van Cappellen + Carla Baldovin for Timing and L4SW (15min+5min questions)
  • Break (10min)

Hour 2:

  • SDC development and operations – John Swinbank (10min+3min questions)
  • RAPTHOR pipeline for LOFAR imaging – AndrĂ© Offringa (10min+3min questions)
  • LOFAR long baseline status – Leah Morabito (10min+3min questions)
  • LOFAR LBA imaging status – Francesco de Gasperin (10min+3min questions)
  • Break (10min)

Hour 3:

  • LOFAR2.0 Large Programmes process – Jason Hessels (15min+30min questions and discussion)

All the slides of the presentations as well as the video recordings of both events are available, please click this link. Please note that in order to view the full videos, you will need to download them first.

The status of the LOFAR2.0 development programme and the process of defining LOFAR2.0 Large Programmes will be presented in these information sessions. Note that the info session programme is identical on both days and is repeated in order to facilitate live participation. Substantial time has been planned for questions and discussion. The sessions will also be recorded.

Large LOFAR2.0 observing programmes are expected to be coordinated by expert LOFAR users in partner countries, but must benefit the broad community and satisfy various criteria to facilitate maximal science return.  An open call will be issued for brief Expressions of Interest, due towards the end of 2021, with a further programme definition and selection process in 2022, involving independent peer review.

Rene Vermeulen, Director ILT
Jason Hessels, LOFAR2.0 Project Scientist

LOFAR2.0 Expressions of Interest (EoIs) and White Paper

Deadline for EoIs: Friday December 3rd, 2021

Notes on EoIs:

EoIs are not observing proposals. Rather, these are intended to inform how to best organise community workshops in 2022, in which we will invite all EoI submitters to together take stock of the ideas and consider how a global LOFAR2.0 Large Programme Portfolio would look. That means that EoIs should inform how best to organise the workshop(s), as opposed to providing a detailed scientific justification at this stage. The workshop(s) include considering what programmes could run in parallel and what teams may wish to collaborate. The LOFAR2.0 (Deputy) Project Scientists — Jason Hessels, Cees Bassa and Tim Shimwell — will facilitate this process. The EoIs and community workshops in 2022 will serve as the basis for detailed observing proposals, which will be reviewed by external referees. This will then lead to advice to the ILT Board, who will establish the Large Programme Portfolio based on science excellence, feasibility and timeliness, and other considerations — including the overall breadth, legacy value, and productivity of LOFAR, specific relevance for partner country research communities, and general impact and engagement of the wider community.

Provide feedback & contributions for the LOFAR2.0 White Paper.

Stay informed about the LOFAR2.0 Large Programmes.


Oct 07 - 12 2021


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