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ASTRON launches database of female experts

Today marks International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is ‘Inspire Inclusion’.

Published by the editorial team, 8 March 2024

The number of female experts in the Dutch media is still a lot lower than the number of male experts. In order to help turn the tide, ASTRON is starting a database containing the names and expertise of female experts working at ASTRON.

Currently, the database contains the first three leading experts, but soon we will expand this list, adding more engineers, software developers, and scientists. We encourage journalists and editors to look at this list when searching for an expert in the field of (radio) astronomy for their articles, television and radio programmes, etc.

Name Function Expertise
Jessica Dempsey Director astronomy leadership, societal science, equity & inclusion
Roelien Attema Head of Innovation & Systems innovation management, societal impact of fundamental science
Gemma Janssen Scientist (ultralow) gravitational waves, pulsars, pulsar timing array
Ágnes Mika Competence group lead COMPAS radio telescope innovations, meteorology
Carla Baldovin Project manager LOFAR telescope

If you want to contact any of these leading experts, please reach out to our communications department, who will get you in touch with the specific expert.

By setting up this public database, we hope to contribute to a more inclusive scientific society.

International Women's Day 2024 - Inspire Inclusion



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