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Outreach Poster Templates
Portrait: KEY, PPT, PDF, SVG
Landscape: KEY, PPT, PDF, SVG
For your creative use in e.g. Inkscape, Adobe Creative Cloud, Keynote, etc.
Upload your posters here; Please put the PDF/KEY/etc raw file, and a thumbnail if available, in :propaganda folder. Older posters are found in the Archive.
Title | Author | Description (suitable for AJDI) | Link + Thumbnail | AJDI Subm. |
M101 | Tom Oosterloo | Neutral hydrogen in the spiral galaxy M101, observed with the WSRT. | PDF: m101poster.pdf RAW: keynotefile | Y |
M101 | Tom Oosterloo | Neutral hydrogen in the spiral galaxy M101, observed with the WSRT. | PDF: m101-2.jpg.pdf RAW: keynotefile | Y |
Global VLBI imaging of the gravitational lens MG J0751+2716 | John McKean | Gravitational lensing is the deflection of light from a distant background object (the source) by an intervening mass distribution (the lens). If the surface mass density of the lens is sufficiently high, then multiple images of the background source, which are often highly magnified and distorted, are produced. The gravitational lensing phenomena is beautifully illustrated in this global very long baseline interferometry image of MG J0751+2716 at redshift 3.2. Here, the extended background radio source is highly distorted into several images, some of which are stretched to form large gravitational arcs. Never before has such high angular resolution of extended arcs been seen before, which highlights the excellent sensitivity that can be achieved with VLBI arrays today (a collecting area that is about 10 per cent of the SKA). | mckean_poster1_new.pdf RAW: mckean_poster1.key.tar | |
PSR B0823+26: Emission modes in single pulses | Charlotte Sobey | PSR B0823+26 displays a plethora of magnetospheric emission characteristics over a wide range of timescales. Single-pulse data from the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) telescope aided in the detection of a sporadic and weakly-emitting 'quiet’ mode over hour-long periods, which displays rotating radio transient-like features with a nulling fraction forty-times greater than that during the more regularly-emitting 'bright’ mode. Furthermore, the transition from the newly-discovered 'quiet’ mode to the 'bright’ mode occurs within one rotational period of the pulsar (0.5 s) and is concurrent across a broad range of radio frequencies. Studying such pulsars furthers insight into the relationship between the host of magnetospheric radio emission characteristics and understanding of the physical mechanism behind this. © C. Sobey; no connection with Joy Division, Peter Saville, et al. | poster_sobey.pdf | Y |
PSR J1023+0038 transforming between a radio pulsar and an accreting system | Anne Archibald | [NOTE: the paper appears in print July 20th, possibly accompanied by a press release and video, so this might be a good time to post the image.] PSR J1023+0038 is a neutron star spinning 592 times per second, orbited by a small Sun-like star. We think all such fast-spinning neutron stars were spun up by accreting material spiraling in from a companion. We have actually seen this system switch back and forth between a radio pulsar (left) and an X-ray bright system with a disc of accreting material (right). Right now, in fact, the system is in this mysterious accreting state. When the accretion switches off, will the neutron star have spun up, slowed down, or stayed the same? © Anne Archibald, Joeri van Leeuwen | archibald-poster-j1023.pdf | |
PSR J0337+1715: a millisecond pulsar in a stellar triple system | Anne Archibald | Radio telescopes, including the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope operated by ASTRON, allow us to measure how early or late the pulses from this radio pulsar are as it moves around its orbit. We can then compute the delays - shown above - due to the interaction of the inner and outer orbit. These measurements, and the tremendous density of the pulsar, let us test one of the foundations of Einstein's theory of gravity, the Strong Equivalence Principle. © Jason Hessels, Anne Archibald | archibald-poster-0337-portrait.pdf | |
Global VLBI imaging of the gravitational lens JVAS B1938+666 | John McKean | [Not ready for AJDI release] Gravitational lensing is the deflection of light from a distant background object (the source) by an intervening mass distribution (the lens). If the surface mass density of the lens is sufficiently high, then multiple images of the background source, which are often highly magnified and distorted, are produced. The gravitational lensing phenomena is beautifully illustrated in this global very long baseline interferometry image of JVAS B1938+666 at redshift 2.0. Here, the extended background radio source is highly distorted into several images, some of which are stretched to form large gravitational arcs. Never before has such high angular resolution of extended arcs been seen before, which highlights the excellent sensitivity that can be achieved with VLBI arrays today (a collecting area that is about 10 per cent of the SKA). | mckean_poster2_new.pdf RAW: mckean_poster2.key.tar | |
Apertif | Tom Oosterloo | The sky as Apertif will see it. The blue objects show the radio continuum emission from star forming galaxies and from galaxies with an Active Galactic Nucleus. The orange objects illustrate the cold, atomic Hydrogen in galaxies. Apertif will detect the Hydrogen in more than 100,000 galaxies, and the continuum emission from about 10,000,000 objects | apertif.pdf | |
Dwingeloo 1 & 2 | Tom Oosterloo | Dwingeloo 1 and 2 were discovered with the Dwingeloo dish in 1994 as part of a search for galaxies that are hidden by dust clouds in the plane of the Milky Way. Such dust clouds block the optical light of galaxies, but are transparent for their radio emission. Therefore, surveying the plane of the Milky Way with radio telescopes can reveal galaxies that are otherwise hard to see. In optical light, Dwingeloo 1 and 2 are almost invisible, but they have bright radio emission. The picture shows the radio image of Dwingeloo 1 and 2 made with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope | dwloo12poster-2.pdf | |
NGC 5055 | Tom Oosterloo/George Heald | Neutral hydrogen in the spiral galaxy NGC 5055, observed with the WSRT by the Halogas project. | n5055poster2011.pdf | |
NGC 6946 | Tom Oosterloo | Neutral hydrogen in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946, as observed with the WSRT. | n6946poster2011.pdf | |
NGC 891 | Tom Oosterloo | The HI halo of NGC 891. Very deep observations with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope have revealed large amounts of cold, atomic gas in the halos of nearby spiral galaxies. Part of such gaseous halos is connected to star formation in the disk, while some of the gas, in particular the clouds far from the disk, are filaments being accreted from the surrounding intergalactic medium | n8912011poster.pdf | |
Nearby galaxies | Tom Oosterloo | Neutral Hydrogen in nearby galaxies. This poster illustrates why astronomers not only observe with ‘normal’ optical telescopes, but also with radio telescopes such as the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (the WSRT). Each panel shows on the left the optical image of a galaxy and on the right the radio image of the neutral hydrogen of the same galaxy on the same scale, as made with the WSRT. | nearby2011poster.pdf | |
Surveys | Raffaella Morganti | The Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) has been used to image a field of 1 degree2, centred on the First Look Verification Strip of the Spitzer satellite. The image has a noise level of 8.5 μJy beam-1 and is the deepest WSRT image made to date. Over a thousand sources are detected in this image. | surveysposter2011.pdf | |
IC10 | Tom Oosterloo | Neutral hydrogen (blue) in the nearby dwarf galaxy IC 10, as observed with the WSRT | ic10poster.pdf | |
M81 | Tom Oosterloo | The galaxy M81 as seen by different telescopes showing a different perspective on the same galaxy. The top row shows (left to right) the optical image, the far-infrared image taken with the Spitzer satellite, the ultra-violet image taken with Galex and the radio continuum imaged with the WSRT. The image below shows the neutral hydrogen imaged with the VLA. | m81poster.pdf | |
Leo P | Betsey Adams | HST data is unpublished and the work of a collaborator. An AJDI (with longer write-up) will be submitted when paper is published - do NOT place in queue until then. Caption: Leo P is an extreme star forming galaxy discovered via its neutral hydrogen content in the ALFALFA HI survey. Leo P is among the most metal poor galaxies known and relatively nearby, allowing in depth studies of the star formation process in pristine material. Deep observations with the Hubble Space Telescope resolve the population into individual stars. These observations will allow us to constrain both the star formation and the chemical evolution history of Leo P. Image credit: K. McQuinn (Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics) | poster_leop.pdf | |
AGC198606 | Betsey Adams | Paper in progress; AJDI will be submitted when paper is published. Caption: Neutral hydrogen contours of AGC198606 from observations with Westerbork are overplotted on deep optical data taken with ODI on the WIYN 3.5m telescope. Identified as a gas cloud in the ALFALFA HI Survey, AGC198606 is an excellent candidate to represent a gas-bearing dark matter halo with (almost) no stellar population in our own Local Group. The deep optical image reveals no associated stellar component but does result in the detection of new background galaxy clusters. Image Credit: E. A.K. Adams (ASTRON) and S. Janowiecki (Indiana University) | poster_agc198606.pdf | |
NGC 2841 | Erwin de Blok | The velocity field of NGC 2841. Red shows gas rotating away from us, blue gas coming towards us | n2841_poster_deblok.pdf | |
CO and HI from THINGS and HERACLES | Erwin de Blok | Distributions of neutral hydrogen (gray) and CO molecular gas (red) in a number of nearby galaxies. Center: M51. Clockwise from top-left: NGC 7331, NGC 3198, NGC 3077, NGC 3351, NGC 2903. | coandhi_poster_deblok.pdf | |
M81 and starformation | Erwin de Blok | A multi-wavelength view of the galaxy M81. Cyan shows the neutral hydrogen as observed with the VLA. Purple shows the young stars as observed with GALEX. Brown shows the old stars observed with Spitzer. | m81_poster_deblok.pdf | |
HERACLES and THINGS | Erwin de Blok | A multi-wavelength view of galaxies observed as part of the HERACLES and THINGS survey. In each panel from left to right: CO, HI, HI kinematics, old stars, recent star formation. | heracles_poster_deblok.pdf | |
Lockman Hole | Elizabeth Mahony | The Lockman Hole field at 150 MHz as observed by LOFAR. I'll submit this as a daily image when I finish reducing the data and get a better image. | appp_lockman.pdf | |
3C293 | Elizabeth Mahony | The nearby radio galaxy 3C293. The large scale structure observed by Westerbork is shown in orange and overlaid on an optical image. On smaller scales there are inner jets seen with the global VLBI array (shown in blue). Observing the neutral gas in this galaxy with Westerbork and the VLA reveals that these radio jets are pushing cold gas out of the centre of 3C293 at speeds of up to 1200 km/s. I have already submitted this image to the daily image last year. | appp_3c293.pdf | |
PSR J1713+0747 Dynamic Spectrum | Cees Bassa | TBD | j1713_dspec.pdf | |
LEAP single pulses | Cees Bassa & Gemma Janssen | TBD | leap.pdf | |
Low-Frequency Profiles of Millisecond Pulsars at 150 MHz with LOFAR | Vlad Kondratiev | [NOTE: Paper is nearly submitted. AJDI will be submitted when paper is accepted.] Low-frequency profiles of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) with LOFAR at the frequency range of 110-188 MHz. LOFAR detected 46 MSPs out of 57 observed so far. This is the largest sample of MSPs ever observed and detected with a single radio telescope at these low frequencies. Regular monitoring of pulsar dispersion and rotation measures and scattering in the interstellar medium (ISM) will provide an “ISM weather report” to improve pulsar timing precision at higher observing frequencies. | lofar-msp-profiles-invert2.pdf | |
Simulation of a gamma-ray binary outflow | Javier Moldon | TBD | jmoldon.pdf | |
Picture from space done by Children | Nicolas Vilchez | Since 2013, ASTRON is partner of the Fleurance (France) young astronomy festival. Last year, children built a basket which contained a GoPro camera, pressure, temperature, radioactivity sensors and a GPS tracker. The basket has been sent to space up to 37 km altitude using a stratospheric balloon. The picture is at 34.k km altitude | from_space.pdf | |
Selfcalibrated image of J1441+1331 field with HBA LOFAR data | Nicolas Vilchez | To generate this image on J1141+1331 field, I ran on 14 groups of 20 subbands each and concatenate them after. The image resolution is 5'', and the fov of the image is 4°x1.6°. The initial noise before the concatenation was ~1.5 mJy. After the concatenation, the final noise is ~0.5 mJy and the thermal noise is ~0.2 mJy. | j1441_1331.pdf | |
Solving the Puzzle of Pulsar Emission with LOFAR | Maura Pilia | (NOTE: Expandable, would like to wait till paper submitted, ca 3weeks) Observations of 100 pulsars with LOFAR LBAs (40 Mhz) and HBAs (140 MHz), WSRT (at P-band, 400 MHz) and the Lovell Telescope (at L-band, 1400 MHz). We compare the profiles of the pulsars at the different frequencies and study their evolution. | appp_maura.pdf | |
LOFAR's First 100 Pulsars | Maura Pilia | (NOTE: alternative to the other) Observations of 100 pulsars with LOFAR LBAs (40 Mhz) and HBAs (140 MHz), WSRT (at P-band, 400 MHz) and the Lovell Telescope (at L-band, 1400 MHz). The evolution of the pulse profile with frequency help us explore the properties of the magnetosphere of the pulsar and of the medium between us and the pulsars. | appp_maura2.pdf | |
The Crab Pulsar and the Crab Nebula | Joeri van Leeuwen | The Crab Pulsar and the Crab Nebula are one impressive pair as seen with Westerbork and the VLT. Only 10 miles across but 500.000 times as massive as the Earth, the pulsar is a cosmic lighthouse that spins 30 times each second, sweeping around bundles of bright radio waves. In this image we see a 1-second snapshot of these peaked waves as they reach Westerbork/PuMaII after 6000 years of interstellar travel. | jvl-crab-02.pdf RAW (Illustrator PDF): jvl-crab-02.pdf | |
Radio Waves I | Joeri van Leeuwen | Drifting subpulses in PSR B0809+74.Single pulses from pulsar B0809+74 exhibit secondary periodicities - waves on waves. These ‘drifting subpulses’ are likely made by emitting structures (such as sparks of filaments) in the pulsar magnetosphere. | jvl-radiowaves-01.pdf | Y |
Pulsar discoveries with LOFAR | Joeri van Leeuwen | The LOFAR antennas that are most central (left), and thus provide the highest filling factor and survey speed are used for the LOFAR pulsar surveys. See (right) the peaked signals of the first six discovered pulsars! Original data: | jvl-lofarpsrs-01.pdf | |
Stretching the fabric of space-time | Joeri van Leeuwen | Shapiro delay in PSR J1802-2124. Pulsars and white dwarfs are extremely massive and compact.Their density and gravitational pull are gigantic, stretching both space and time in their vicinity. When you look at a radio pulsar passing behind a white dwarf, you can actually see its light slow down as it struggles past the white dwarf. | jvl-shapirodelay-01.pdf | |
3C452 | Raffaella Morganti | The complexity of 3C452 seen by LOFAR at 150 MHz | 3c452.pdf | |
B2 0258 | Raffaella Morganti | A radio relic with, in the centre, the recent restarted radio source: B2 0258+35 | b0258.pdf | |
Cygnus A | Michael Wise | The interaction between the powerful radio galaxy Cygnus A and its cluster environment as seen with LOFAR (red), the VLA (green), and Chandra (blue). | cygnusa.pdf | |
Cygnus A | Michael Wise | The interaction between the powerful radio galaxy Cygnus A and its cluster environment as seen in the radio and X-ray. | cygnusa_fov.pdf | |
A3667 | Michael Wise | Composite image showing X-ray surface brightness and gas temperature in the merging cluster A3667. Darker colors indicate cooler gas displaced by the merger. | a3667_tmap.pdf | |
Cen A and NGC 3998 | Bradley Frank | Comparison between radio continuum image of a scaled-down Cen A and NGC 3998 | frank_ppp_cena_ngc3998.pdf | |
Radio Bubbles in NGC 3998 | Bradley Frank | Detailed analysis of NGC 3998 using WSRT observations. Here we determine the timescales necessary to discern between a starburst and AGN driven origin of the peculiar radio continuum emission | frank_ppp_complicated.pdf | |
Environment of NGC 3998 | Bradley Frank | HI and radio continuum from WSRT overlaid on SDSS R-band image of NGC3998 and its neighbours. | frank_ppp_simple.pdf | |
EOR | Ger de Bruyn | TBD | lofar-eor-poster.pdf |
You can print posters on the “HP-DJZ5200” poster printer near the drawing room. Overview: here and here.
General Presentations
Upload your contributions as ppt when possible! Only then we can easily adapt parts of your presentation for a new one. These are the newest and most used presentations. More (older) presentations are found in the Archive.
Introduction to ASTRON and astronomy (for high-school students, v2012) presentatie_middelbare_school_juli_2012_compleet.pptx
Radiotelescoop op de Maan? Introductie van (Radio)Sterrenkunde en ASTRON. Deel van een opdracht voor studenten van het Technasium in Hoogeveen (in dutch). PDF version or ODP version
Introduction to ASTRON astronomy (presented by GH for Nijmegen BSc/Master students visit - May 2011 - heavily biased toward nearby galaxy stuff - in English) Keynote tarball or PPT exported from keynote or PDF version
Introduction to ASTRON (for high-school students) (in English) research_astron_21-04-2011_vlad_eng.ppt (odp)
Elementary school presentation, long version with several subjects basisschoolpresentatie_2012_lange_versie.ppt
Elementary school presentation (life of stars; compact objects; what do astronomers do?) lagereschool01.ppt kids_lezing_leven_van_een_ster.ppt
Pulsar presentation, high-shool and general audience, includes movies, sounds, etc. Zipped powerpoint file, 100MB