The Radio Universe @ Ger’s (wave)-length

4-7 November 2013

Groningen, the Netherlands

Ger's Feest @ ASTRON: Friday, 8 November 2013


Symposium pictures: please click here

Reception pictures: please click here


10:00 Arrival and coffee
10:20 Starting of the programme - short introduction from the SOC

* Calibration tools -- Chair: Wim Brouw
10:30 Johan Hamaker - The origin: finding errors in the uv-plane
10:55 Richard Strom - Exploring polarisation
11:20 Jan Noordam - Exploring redundancy
11:45 Jaap Bregman - Measurement equation and new instruments
12:10 Michiel Brentjens - More on polarisation: RM synthesis

12:35 - Lunch

* From early days to the future -- Chair: Thijs van der Hulst
13:45 Harry van der Laan - The view from the promotor
14:10 Tony Willis - The view from a telescope astronomer
14:35 Wim Brouw / Thijs van der Hulst - The view from a [co-]labourer
15:00 Leon Koopmans - Toward SKA

15:25 Ger de Bruyn - The Radio Universe @ Ger's (wave)-length

15:50 End of the workshop
16:00 Reception