
This is an old revision of the document!

GRID storage access tools installation

The following documentation was developed for the installation of a GRID tools and certificates on an Ubuntu 12.04 system using a bash shell (using .bashrc as a configuration script). Please note that especially some of the srm scripts only work under bash, not csh derivatives. Thanks goes to Martin van den Akker for providing most of this information.

There is also an instruction for installing on an old version of Ubuntu that doesn't have the apt-get packages yet. There is also an instruction for installing on Scientific Linux 5 using gLite version 3.2 or Scientific Linux 4 using gLite version 3.1. These use RPM and might also work on Redhat or SuSE or derivatives. As far as we know Windows and OSX are not supported at all, and only the Ubuntu 12 install has been tested by us.

Note: all installations require root permissions.

You will need to install the file transfer tools from the Globus package, most importantly globus-url-copy:

sudo apt-get install globus-gass-copy-progs globus-common-progs globus-core

You will need to install the VOMS tools for logging in and user account management:

sudo apt-get install voms-clients

You will need to install the SRM tools to be able to communicate with the storage management system.

  1. Download srmtools
  2. Extract and install the srmtools in /opt/
    this will create a subdirectory srm under /opt/
  3. Add the path to the srmtools to .bashrc:
    export SRM_PATH=/opt/srm
    export PATH=$SRM_PATH/bin:$PATH
  • Request a user certificate using jGridstart (NL)\\or (several other EU)
    and follow the instructions. If you're not at an institute or country supported by either of these sites please see if your institute has another means of providing you with a GRID user certificate for your country.
  • Install the certificate as described in the certificate e-mail
  1. Save this entire mail as $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem and make sure that the userkey.pem file in that directory matches this certificate. As these *.pem files are strictly personal their permissions should be set properly by the following command:
    > chmod 600 *.pem
  2. Load the certificate into your web browser on your own system. See for instructions. Installation can also be done using the jGridstart tool (see above) for supported browsers.
  3. [optional] Apply for authorization to use resources or services. Please consult your service provider or help desk for more information, e.g.:

Execute the following commands to install the certificates from the site of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) (root permissions are required).

sudo add-repository 'deb egi-igtf core'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-policy-egi-core

Add the vomses string for the LOFAR Virtual Organization (VO) to the vomses file. You can find this string on the following website in the text block under VOMSES string for this VO
The string should be copied to the following file: $HOME/.glite/vomses

Put the following string (without the quotes):


in the file (root permissions required):


Add the following settings to .bashrc or another initialisation/startup script.

export X509_VOMS_CERT=$HOME/.globus/usercert.pem
export X509_VOMS_KEY=$HOME/.globus/userkey.pem
export X509_VOMS_DIR=/etc/grid-security/vomsdir
export VOMS_USERCONF=$HOME/.glite
  • Last modified: 2012-12-04 14:23
  • by Adriaan Renting