
Access to LOFAR

How to get access to LOFAR facilities and become a participant in the project

  • If you are part of one of the Astronomical Key Science Projects, please use your designated contact person.
  • If you are part of one of the International partners of LOFAR, please contact your designated contact person.
  • If you are not part of any of the above, please contact us through the ASTRON helpdesk.

You will need the Science Data Centre (SDC) Operations group to grant you access, unless you are already a member in MoM of the project you are trying to access data for. Once you have access and updated your password you should use the Long Term Archive manual.

Once you are a participant of the project and you need access to the CEP systems as a programmer or scientist, you will need this information:

You will have to register. See The LOFAR wiki start page.

  • Last modified: 2020-11-04 14:49
  • by Bernard Asabere