
This is an old revision of the document!

The LOFAR Cluster

This page describes the LOFAR cluster for (potential) users. The cluster is used to store the correlated data from the BlueGene and to run pipelines that do the “standard” reduction and calibration. After this pipeline processing, the results are stored in the Lofar Export (staging) Archive.

We welcome authorized users on this cluster. For the time being the users are bound to only a part of the cluster. This part is called a subcluster. Various users groups have been granted access to a specific subcluster. Users can utilized a standard login environment (see below) and they can access the cluster resources using one of the two frontends “lfe001” and “lfe002”.

The Lofar cluster is devided into 8 subclusters. Each subcluster is a processing cluster for a specific commsissioning group. There are 72 compute nodes and 24 storages in total. Each subcluster has 9 compute nodes and 3 storage nodes of 24TB raw capacity. The storage nodes have 4 RAID5 partitions each. A partition holds a single XFS filesystem. Each filesystem is NFS mounted on all 9 compute nodes. So 1 compute node has 12 NFS data volumes mounted.

You can access the Lofar cluster through the portal: “ssh -X” We maintain a ssh whitelist, so only known institutes are able to login. Please send an email to grit at or h.paas at to add your institute or personal IP number. Once logged in, you'll find an empty home directory. You'll have to login at one of the two frontends “lfe001” of “lfe002” using “ssh -X”. When you don't know which one, please use “lfe001” by default.

A frontend has 2 Intel Xeon L5420 quad core processors, 16GB internal meomory, 2 GbE interfaces and 2TB disks in RAID5 configuration. There are actually two identical frontends. Both of them serve a specific group of subclusters. The frontends are used to build the software and regulate the workload on the subclusters. There is a page that describes the frontend in detail

The compute elements have 2 Intel Xeon L5420 quad core processors, 16GB internal meomory, 2 GbE interfaces and 1TB disks in RAID0 configuration. They can be accessed by secure shell and they are grouped.

The storage nodes are HP DL180G5 boxes, having 2 Intel Xeon L5420 quad core processors, 16GB internal memory, 6 GbE network interfaces and 24TB disks. The disks are devided into 4 partitions of 6 disks each, set up in RAID5 configuration. The XFS filesystems are called “/data1” till “/data4”.

The current subcluster assignment is:

lfe001:~> showsub
This script shows the subcluster definitions
sub  lce-nodes      lse-nodes       cexec-lce    cexec-lse   In use for:
====  =========      =========      =========    =========   ===========
sub1  lce001-lce009  lse001-lse003  lce:0-8      lse:0-2     production group
sub2  lce010-lce018  lse004-lse006  lce:9-17     lse:3-5     no power
sub3  lce019-lce027  lse007-lse009  lce:18-26    lse:6-8     imaging group
sub4  lce028-lce036  lse010-lse012  lce:27-35    lse:9-11    no power
sub5  lce037-lce045  lse013-lse015  lce:36-44    lse:12-14   pulsar group
sub6  lce046-lce054  lse016-lse018  lce:45-53    lse:15-17   no power
sub7  lce055-lce063  lse019-lse021  lce:54-62    lse:18-20   developers group
sub8  lce064-lce072  lse022-lse024  lce:63-71    lse:21-23   no power

The disks of the offline storage nodes are NFS mounted on all these offline nodes. These systems are in use for offline processing (i.e. when data has been transfered from the central storage facility).

The clusters are described on more detail on this page. See this page for more information on the login environment.

This cluster acts as a temporary data buffer. Data is copied from the online storage systems to these systems, so that the online systems can be used to store new data. These systems are accessable from the offline processing clusters, allowing post-processing of the data. More information can be found on this page.

  • Last modified: 2009-10-13 11:56
  • by Arno Schoenmakers