
This is an old revision of the document!

Here are the most recent information on how to make use of Jureca for LOFAR Processing. Last edit August 2015.

First of all you need an account on the system. The Project leader is Matthias Hoeft and the Project ID is HTB00 (needed for registration). The following website contains all necessary links for allocating computing time in the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC). Click on the link “User Accounts for projects on JUQUEEN, JURECA,…” and follow the instructions.
german version:
Get in contact with Matthias so he can sign your account application and initiate the next steps.

Take a look at this site on how to get the data from the LTA
To download data from the web you need the full filename. You can look those up in the catalog
The Juelich Http download server is here
For Sara

The recommended way to copy data is via srm copy. For doing this you need a Grid Certificate and to Register in the Virtual Organization (VO) as a Lofar User.

You can register with the Lofar VO here:

To get direct srm copy access to the LTA storage you need a Grid Certificate.
Its best to ask around in your institute where to get and how to install such a certificate. General information about german grid certificates can be found here:

  • Last modified: 2015-08-10 12:24
  • by Stefan Froehlich