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Michiel Brentjens wins Teacher of the Year 2022 award

Michiel Brentjens has won the award for Teacher of the Year 2022 at Leiden University.

Published by the editorial team, 12 January 2023

When all classes had to go online due to corona, Brentjens turned his Radio Astronomy course around, changing it into one without lectures or exams, but one in which students had to actually build their own radio telescope out of a paint can. His students are so enthusiastic about this approach, that they nominated him for Teacher of the Year 2022. An award that he officially won on January 10th.

Brentjens called in remotely, since he is currently in Seattle for the 241st AAS meeting. When asked what he is going to do with the prize money, Brentjens answered: “To set up a supercomputer the size of a shopper so that the students can work even more easily.”

Michiel joins the new year’s reception with a video call from Seattle.

(Photos: Monique Shaw)



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