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ASTRON involved in European consortium to develop next-gen technologies for radio astronomy infrastructures

The RADIOBLOCKS project, coordinated by JIVE ERIC and including major European research infrastructures for radio astronomy, together with partners from industry and academia, has been granted €10 million by the European Commission to develop “common building blocks” for technological solutions beyond state-of-the-art, that will enable a broad range of new science and enhance European scientific competitiveness. The RADIOBLOCKS project will start on 1 March 2023.

Published by the editorial team, 16 December 2022

The RADIOBLOCKS project will take a holistic view of how radio telescopes arrays capture, process, synthesize and analyse cosmic signals and will develop components, technologies, and software, applicable to a wide range of instruments, to enable the next major discoveries in radio astronomy.


Find out more about the project here.



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