Standard LOTAAS Observing
- Mode = LOTAAS
- SAPs = 3
- Bandwidth per beam = 32MHz
- Number ring TABs = 61
- Number manual TABs = 12
- Number incoherent beams = 3
- TAB FWHM = 30 arcmin.
- FoV per TAB = 0.2 sq. deg.
- Total FoV TABs = 9 sq. deg. (TABs overlap close to Nyquist sampling)
- Total beams = 222
- Time resolution = 492us
- Frequency resolution = 12kHz
- Dwell time = 3600s
- Data rate (32bit) = 4.4GB/s
- Data per pointing (32bit) = 15TB
- Stations = Superterp HBAs (CS00[2-7])
LOTAAS Deep Search
- Mode = LOTAAS-DS
- SAPs = 3
- Bandwidth per beam = 32MHz
- Number ring TABs = 91
- Number manual TABs = 0
- Number incoherent beams = 3
- TAB FWHM = 5 arcmin.
- FoV per TAB = 0.00545 sq. deg.
- Total FoV TABs = 1.5 sq. deg. (TABs touch at the half-power points)
- Total beams = 276
- Time resolution = 164us
- Frequency resolution = 12kHz
- Dwell time = 900s
- Data rate (32bit) = 16.3GB/s
- Data per pointing (32bit) = 14TB
- Stations = Core HBAs (CS0??)