DRAGNET System Software
All DRAGNET nodes were installed by Mike Sipior (ASTRON) with CentOS 7 using cobbler and ansible. The cobbler and ansible settings are available in a git repo on the dragnet headnode at /var/lib/git/dragnet.git/
Most changes have been tracked here and should ideally go into the ansible/cobbler settings git repo. However, it is unlikely going to happen (time is better spent on other tasks), so the rough notes are tracked here in case we ever have to reinstall. (Obviously, up-to-date and completeness guarantees of this list are low, but it goes a long way.)
Many system software packages have been installed, settings changed, CentOS updated to 7.2, /opt (+ some /usr/local) installed (by Alexander), while Vlad and Cees installed all pulsar user tools under /usr/local (NFS).
LOFAR Builds
LOFAR software builds on DRAGNET can be build+deployed and selected/activated using the scripts in that repo, viewable under https://svn.astron.nl/viewvc/LOFAR/trunk/SubSystems/Dragnet/scripts/
- LOFAR-Dragnet-deploy.sh (takes ~15 mins)
- LOFAR-Dragnet-activate.sh (takes 10 s)
Normally, these scripts are kicked off via Jenkins. (See my slides DRAGNET-Observatory operations by Alexander (3 Jul 2017)
available from the DRAGNET wiki start page for what Jenkins buttons to press. If you don't have access to Jenkins, ask Arno (LOFAR software release manager).)
As described in the scripts, these scripts can also be run from the command-line as user lofarbuild. You then have to manually look up the release name to be used.
Regardless of which branch or tag you build via Jenkins, the Jenkins jobs always svn export from the trunk!
The LOFAR package built on DRAGNET is named Dragnet
, as can be seen from the cmake
command in the LOFAR-Dragnet-deploy.sh
. This is simply a meta-package described in the package's CMakeLists.txt.
Any LOFAR build on DRAGNET depends heavily on many dependencies, the paths of which are listed in hostname matching files under https://svn.astron.nl/viewvc/LOFAR/trunk/CMake/variants/
We only have variants.dragnet
(auto-selected on our headnode) and a variants.dragproc
symlink. This means that cmake
runs on other nodes will fail, unless you manually add another symlink locally! (The reason is that such builds are slow anyway, unless done from/to local disks. Prefer building on the head node (or dragproc
Fixing LOFAR builds is thus often a matter of small commits to the config files and/or dependent software upgrades on DRAGNET, instead of fixing the deploy script. One deploy script caveat is that it assumes all DRAGNET nodes are working…
Other Packages installed by Alexander
Many packages installed by Alexander on DRAGNET have a /home/alexander/pkg/PKGNAME-install.txt
with commands close to a shell script used to config/build/install the package on DRAGNET. If you need to upgrade/reinstall, just copy-paste each command line by line with your brain engaged.
QPID Message Broker Config for Operations
To keep this rather complex config beast as low profile as possible on DRAGNET, this is only set up on DRAGNET to facilitate observation feedback flowing back to Observatory systems (MoM). This is inevitable (COBALT expects the local qpid queues), although failure impact is low: status in MoM.
To use resourcetool, qpid is also needed, but by always specifying a broker host on the command line, we can avoid tracking RO qpid config just for that. It also makes operations vs test systems explicit (ccu001 vs ccu199).
QPID is going to be used more and more, e.g. also for user ingest.
Reinoud (and Jan David) are the people to debug qpid trouble with.
QPID Config for Feedback
On DRAGNET, I created 3 queues on each node (twice, once for operations and once for the test system), and routes from all nodes to the head node, and from the head node to ccu001 (operations) and ccu199 (test).
See /home/amesfoort/build_qpid_queues-dragnet.sh although typically I use it as notes instead of running it nilly-willy… RO software also has scripts where I added our queues and routes in case everything would need to be reset.
Overview on a node (1st queue with pseudo-random name is from the viewing operation itself): [amesfoort@dragnet ~]$ qpid-stat -q
Queues queue dur autoDel excl msg msgIn msgOut bytes bytesIn bytesOut cons bind ========================================================================================================================= a1fe3b70-1595-4e4d-9313-8d1706861ba0:0.0 Y Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 lofar.task.feedback.dataproducts Y 0 11.4k 11.4k 0 39.1m 39.1m 1 1 lofar.task.feedback.processing Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 lofar.task.feedback.state Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 test.lofar.task.feedback.dataproducts Y 0 61 61 0 185k 185k 1 1 test.lofar.task.feedback.processing Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 test.lofar.task.feedback.state Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Overview of all routes to the dragnet
head node (6 per node):
[amesfoort@dragnet ~]$ qpid-route route list dragnet:5672 dragproc.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 dragproc.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 dragproc.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 dragproc.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 dragproc.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 dragproc.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg01.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg01.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg01.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg01.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg01.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg01.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg02.control.lofar:5672 [...] dragnet:5672 drg22.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg23.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg23.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg23.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg23.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg23.control.lofar:5672 dragnet:5672 drg23.control.lofar:5672
System Config Changes
On top of git repo with ansible/cobbler settings:
casacore measures tables
On host dragnet
(the script downloads once, then applies the update on all nodes), run the command every Mon 04:00 AM.
This auto-updates the casacore measures tables with info on observatories, solar bodies, leap seconds, int'l earth rotation (IERS) coefficients, etc.
[amesfoort@dragnet ~]$ sudo crontab -u lofarsys -l 0 4 * * 1 /opt/IERS/cron-update-IERS-DRAGNET.sh 2> /home/lofarsys/lofar/var/log/IERS/cron-update-IERS-DRAGNET.log
On any host but dragnet
(it has no RADB resources), run the resourcetool command with the -E and possibly -U option(s) every 20 mins starting 1 min past the hour.
This auto-updates storage claim end times in the Observatory's RADB. Else, Observatory systems will eventually think our disks are full and scheduling observations becomes impossible. But we manage disk space ourselves. (The tool also has some other useful capabilities.)
[amesfoort@any_but_dragnet ~]$ sudo crontab -u lofarsys -l 1,21,41 * * * * source /opt/lofar/lofarinit.sh; LOFARENV=PRODUCTION /opt/lofar/bin/resourcetool --broker=scu001.control.lofar --end-past-tasks-storage-claims > /home/lofarsys/lofar/var/log/resourcetool/cron-update-resourcetool-$HOSTNAME.log 2>&1
Apply /home/amesfoort/etc/*
to /etc/
newgrp dragnet umask 0002 chmod 775 /opt sudo chgrp dragnet /opt # and set setgid bit /opt/lofar_versions owned by lofarbuild:dragnet mode 775 (or rely on setgid bit) sudo chgrp -R dragnet /usr/local/share/aclocal /usr/local/share/applications /usr/local/share/info /usr/local/share/man # applications/ subdir needed to install aoflagger as dragnet under /usr/local/ exit as well as for the /data1 and /data2 dirs (/data on dragproc seemed fine when I looked, but maybe others did that manually) (and find out what the '+' is in ls -al) Install pkgs: lsof environment-modules smartmontools numactl-devel (deps on numactl-libs) hwloc hwloc-devel binutils-devel atop htop strace ftp tcpdump #libnet-devel # for custom arping to ping by MAC #libpcap-devel # idem iperf3 nethogs erfa-devel armadillo-devel python-astropy python-jinja2 # for the FACTOR imaging pipeline module python-daemon python-matplotlib-qt4 python-psycopg2 mysql-connector-python PyGreSQL # LOFAR mysql, postgresql DB python interface modules (used for self-tests only?) python2-mock # for python LOFAR self-tests under SAS/ and elsewhere qpid-cpp-server-linearstore (add to qpid pkgs) patch elfutils deltarpm NetworkManager-config-routing-rules # for policy based routing using NetworkManager libgtkmm-2.4-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev # optional; for AOFlagger's rficonsole dbus-c++-devel # required for awimager2's near-copy of CASA libsynthesis openblas-devel # required for sagecal pyfits # required for rmsynthesis ds9 # required by ds9 geom # required by Shapely python module, for the FACTOR pipeline progressbar # for losoto (LOfar SOlutions TOol, https://github.com/revoltek/losoto) xorg-x11-server-Xvfb # for LOTAAS pipeline mercurial vim-X11 colordiff ddd # for slurm (NOTE: -devel pkgs only needed on head node to build RPMs; non-devel needed on other nodes) munge munge-devel readline-devel pam-devel lua-devel mailx # also for robinhood man2html freeipmi-devel json-c-devel rrdtool-devel libibmad-devel libibumad-devel perl-Switch # to install created slurm RPMs perl-DBI # idem # to create slurm and lustre client RPMs, head node only: rpm-build perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker # ensure not specifically installed: libpng12-devel # since we use libpng-devel (implied) On drg nodes (ib tools) libmlx4 libibverbs-utils libibverbs perftest qperf libibverbs-devel # on head node is enough librdmacm-devel # idem mstflint # idem # Python packages N/A in CentOS package manager; use pip install python-monetdb # for LOFAR GSM (imaging); on the head node we did: sudo pip install --target=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages python-monetdb xmlrunner # for LOFAR Pipeline tests; on the head node we did: sudo pip install --target=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages xmlrunner /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf enabled=0 (into ansible) dragnet node: time is no longer in UTC (fixed; but check ansible) dragnet node: sudo systemctl enable nfs-server sudo systemctl start nfs-server dragnet node: dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=1024 >/etc/munge/munge.key (set owner=munge group=munge mode=400) other nodes: copy this file to local /etc/munge/ each host: sudo systemctl enable munge sudo systemctl start munge add slurm system user and group create slurm RPMs on hostname install RPMs on all hosts copy slurm.conf and gres.conf to all hosts # RPM install creates /etc/slurm/ create /var/spool/slurmd/ dragnet node: sudo systemctl enable slurmctld slurmd sudo systemctl start slurmctld slurmd dragproc: sudo systemctl enable slurmctld slurmd slurmdbd sudo systemctl start slurmctld slurmd slurmdbd drg: sudo systemctl enable slurmd sudo systemctl start slurmd set GPUs in persistence mode before slurmd starts (on drgXX nodes only): Use my ~amesfoort/nvidia-smi-pm.service copied into /usr/lib/systemd/system/ and then run: sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable nvidia-smi-pm check networking/interface settings in ansible, and in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. Use system-config-network tool to edit. ONBOOT=no too often. MTU 9000 for 10G i/f, ib netmask must be /16 (not /13 as it clashes with cep2 routes), etc... add routes to CEP2 (and others). Use dragnet-node-routes-10g.sh Set CONNECTED_MODE=Yes See /home/alexander/Downloads/linux-kernel/linux-3.10.85/Documentation/infiniband/ipoib.txt Why the heck is this route in drg* routing tables??? (Useful for virt 10G/ib netw?): dev ib0 scope link metric 1005 Has Mike fixed the (cobbler?) routing issue via portal? Must go via PD-0 (xxx.5 -> .6 or vice versa) - Add ping test script: also useful to see what hostnames/domainnames should work. And fix the idiotic domainname crap!!! systemctl enable NetworkManager-dispatcher.service systemctl start NetworkManager-dispatcher.service Correct table example drg16 (except that CEP2 routes and sub-tables can now be removed): [amesfoort@drg16 network-scripts]$ ip ru 0: from all lookup local 1000: from lookup 1 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default [amesfoort@drg16 ~]$ ip r l t 1 via dev ens5 proto static via dev ens5 proto static via dev ens5 proto static via dev ens5 proto static [amesfoort@drg16 network-scripts]$ ip r default via dev em1 proto static metric 100 dev ib0 proto kernel scope link src metric 150 dev em1 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 dev ens5 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 via dev ens5 proto static cexec (C3 Cluster Command & Control Suite) into ansible, incl /etc/c3.conf symlink to /usr/local/etc/c3.conf casacore + casacore-pyton + measures_tables LOFAR build lofardal build /mnt (or /net (/net N/A on debian)) automounts lofarbuild jenkins pub key (head node) into ansible (separate task, since it may change) lofarsys ssh authorized ssh key (?) LOFAR settings: lofarsys sudo RT, shmem, ptrace, max CPU(+GPU?) clock when observing(?), RLIMIT_MEMLOCK (also for ibverbs), ... (see cbt009:/etc/rc.local.d/) add LOFAR/trunk/RTCP/Cobalt/OutputProc/etc/sudoers.d/setcap_cobalt to /etc/sudoers.d/ and ensure it's included via /etc/sudoers (it seems Mike changed sudoers on dragnet, but not elsewhere, now equal, but not yet in ansible) lofarsys is NFS account; fix this (note: fix up ssh login failures, since keys are then no longer accessible) lofarsys: ensure dirs exist on all nodes (local account): lofar/var/{run,log} lofarsys: ~/.ssh/config: --------------- NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes Host dragnet dragnet.control.lofar dragproc dragproc-10g dragproc.control.lofar dragproc-10g.online.lofar drg?? drg??.control.lofar drg??-10g drg??-10g.online.lofar drg??-ib drg??-ib.dragnet.infiniband.lofar StrictHostKeyChecking no --------------- qpid script to create local queues once CUDA pkgs on *all* nodes after adding NVIDIA 'cuda' repo: (we use the 'elrepo' driver and the 'cuda' cuda pkgs) cuda-repo-rhel7 Note: the following 2 pkgs + deps will go into /usr/local, while we want them into /opt, so ask Mike which rpm he used instead cuda-toolkit-7-0 # if still needed cuda-toolkit-7-5 install pkgs from ~/pkg such as log4cplus, ... add changed /etc/modulefiles/* to ansible /etc/security/limits.conf: set 'nofile' soft limit to 4k (hard was requested to 10k, but meaningless?) ----- Remove on all nodes: add '--auth no' to allnodes:/usr/lib/systemd/system/qpidd.service (only needed on the src side of the g, but since we need to fwd, it's needed on all our nodes) ExecStart=/usr/sbin/qpidd --config /etc/qpid/qpidd.conf --auth no ----- Replace by on all nodes (qpidd.service is replaced on pkg update): Add auth=no in /etc/qpid/qpidd.conf ----- Then run: (maybe there's a systemctl command to do both of this in one go?) sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable qpidd sudo systemctl restart qpidd (& check if systemctl enable qpidd (and start qpidd) are indeed in ansible) added routing table entries for drg*, dragproc in ansible ----- for lustre mount cep4 (drg nodes only (need ib atm), further install by hand atm (need rpm rebuild from src rpm)). On all drgXX nodes: # create /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf with: options lnet networks=o2ib(ib0) # create/adjust /etc/modprobe.d/ko2iblnd.conf with: #comment out any 'alias' and 'options' lines other than the next (which MUST match the settings on the Lustre MGS (and thus all other clients as well)): options ko2iblnd peer_credits=128 peer_credits_hiw=64 credits=2048 concurrent_sends=256 ntx=2048 map_on_demand=32 fmr_pool_size=2048 fmr_flush_trigger=512 fmr_cache=1 # optional: install ko2iblnd /usr/sbin/ko2iblnd-probe # create mount point as root: mkdir -p /cep4data # append to /etc/fstab meta01.cep4.infiniband.lofar@o2ib:meta02.cep4.infiniband.lofar@o2ib:/cep4-fs /cep4data lustre defaults,ro,flock,noauto 0 0 ----- LTA stuff (may turn out unnecessary when we can finally ingest from DRAGNET, since it'll have to go via lexar nodes) globus-gass-copy-progs voms-clients-cpp #voms-clients-java # not needed wget http://repository.egi.eu/sw/production/cas/1/current/repo-files/EGI-trustanchors.repo sudo mv EGI-trustanchors.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ (currently on dragnet, it's called egi.repo) ----------------------------- [EGI-trustanchors] name=EGI-trustanchors baseurl=http://repository.egi.eu/sw/production/cas/1/current/ gpgkey=http://repository.egi.eu/sw/production/cas/1/GPG-KEY-EUGridPMA-RPM-3 gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 ----------------------------- ca-policy-egi-core # from EGI-trustanchors repo wget http://www.lofar.org/operations/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=public:srmclient-2.6.28.tar.gz wget http://www.lofar.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=public:lta-url-copy.sh.gz (already set up SRM module file) /etc/vomses, $HOME/.voms/vomses, $HOME/.glite/vomses any filename, e.g. lofar-voms ----------------------------- "lofar" "voms.grid.sara.nl" "30019" "/O=dutchgrid/O=hosts/OU=sara.nl/CN=voms.grid.sara.nl" "lofar" ----------------------------- /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/lofar/voms.grid.sara.nl.lsc ----------------------------- /O=dutchgrid/O=hosts/OU=sara.nl/CN=voms.grid.sara.nl /C=NL/O=NIKHEF/CN=NIKHEF medium-security certification auth -----------------------------