Data Processing School :: Exercise 51
Source directory | /data/lofarschool/data/exercise 51 |
Contact person | Joe Masters and Casey Law |
This exercise demonstrates a PyDAL script that produces plots of the “total power”, or autocorrelation, for each antenna. This kind of plot is commonly used as a quick check of the quality of the data.
A little knowledge of shell and python programming (or at least a curiosity to learn).
You will run a script that uses the PyDAL to read in a Measurement Set and plot some of the data. This script plots the total power or one or more antennas.
Files & Directories
You will find the following in the exercise directory:
– Uncalibrated CS1 Measurement Set taken with the LBA over roughly 80
– bash script to run the python
– python script that uses the PyDALvvL4086_sSB10.MS_0tp.png
– an image of the plot output by “”.
Step-by-step instructions
1) Run “” and answer the following questions:
a) The plot should show a rising and falling pattern for each antenna's total power. What causes this pattern? How often does it repeat (to minute precision)?
b) Do you expect the different antennas to have different patterns? Why?
c) Cas A and Cyg A are located near the Galactic plane. Use that to estimate “galactic day” and “galactic night”. If you want to observe the EoR, when will you observe?
d) Why does the shape of the total power curve look different between the xx and yy curves?
Example outputs
See the png file for an example of what “” produces when run from the csh script.
Outstanding problems
Corrected - ER