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SSH Usage on CEP

We use the Secure Shell (ssh) on CEP to connect to different systems. This page explains how this can be used without having to supply a password each time you want to connect to a system. The image below tries to explain the process:

With normal ssh you always have to give a password. If you use a private and public key, you can access systems where your public key is in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys from the system where you have the private key. With the ssh-agent explained below, you can ssh to any system without having to supply a password. (very useful to run things on nodes of a cluster, or other remote machines.

ssh-agent usage

The first thing you need to do is generate an authorisation key using the DSA algorithm, which means you need to do the following once. You need to have a somewhat recent version of OpenSSL on your system for this to work:

ssh-keygen -tdsa
cp .ssh/ .ssh/authorized_keys

Use cat or some editor like vi, kate or emacs if authorized keys already exists and can't be simply copied. Copy your .ssh/authorized_keys to the $HOME of each system you want access to. Please make sure you use a passphrase to encrypt your private key, to prevent easy access. When using the instructions below on the ssh-agent, you'll only have to provide it once each time you use the systems.

Windows users can download the Putty toolkit from Please select the Windows Installer as that contains the whole package.

After installing, you'll have the Putty program, and several help programs such as Pageant.

Select from the Programs menu the Putty section and select PuttyGen.

  • Select in the Paramaters section the key type (e.g., SSH-2 DSA).
  • Press the Generate button.
  • Now you'll have to move your mouse over the grey area below the progress bar.
  • Once done, you'll get a screen like the one shown below.
  • Enter a passphrase (and confirm).
  • Now you can copy and paste (with the mouse!) the public key into the authorized_keys file on your destination system.

Screenshot of PuttyGen program

An ssh-agent is a small program that when you start work is used to unlock the passphrase protected private key you generated above. The ssh-agent will from that point on automatically supply the right answers to any ssh session, if you use ssh -A each time you connect to another system.

Detailed information on how to setup ssh agent forwarding can be found here and here.

The ssh-agent runs in the user's local PC, laptop, or terminal. Authentication data need not be stored on any other machine, and authentication passphrases never go over the network. Also, the connection to the agent is forwarded over SSH remote logins, and the user can thus use the privileges given by the identities anywhere in the network in a secure way.

If you start the ssh-agent it creates a socket in /tmp and then generates a few commands on stdout which serve to set environmental variables and to tell you which PID the agent has. An example:

SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-jpIaV4861/agent.4861; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
echo Agent pid 4862;

By 'eval'uating this code, the variables SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID will be set. You can use the SSH_AGENT_PID, for example, to kill the agent when you log off. The agent itself recognises the variable and commits suicide when you type:

ssh-agent -k 

The SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable is mainly used by the program ssh-add, which uses it to determine with which agent to communicate. To get your agent running in (t)csh type:

eval `ssh-agent`

Please note the back-quotes. If you have bash, you might use the more readable:

eval $(ssh-agent)  

More advanced ways to use ssh-agent on Linux.

Starting ssh-agent at beginning of X session

When using a Linux workstation, it is more convenient to start the SSH agent when logging into your X session, than to start it in one or more pseudo-consoles. To do so, you must add the following lines to your .xinitrc file in your home directory.

eval `ssh-agent -s`
if test -S "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" -a -x "$SSH_ASKPASS"; then
    ssh-add < /dev/null

This will start the SSH agent directly after logging into your X session. It will then ask you to enter the passphrase. After that, you will be logged in as usual.

Note: If you don't have an .xinitrc file, you must create it. On openSUSE you can copy the skeleton file /etc/skel/.xinitrc.template to ~/.xinitrc and uncomment the lines mentioned above.

Recent versions of OS X (10.5 “Leopard” or later) have ssh-agent integration built in – and integrated with the system keychain for passphrase management. See this blog post for details.

On older versions of OS X, install SSH Agent 1.1 or SSHKeyChain and set it to Open at Login or use the same commands as on Linux.

SSh Agent 1.1

If you have this set up, then you can easily make bookmarks in iTerm to access machines and forward the ssh-agent. An example with some of the LOFAR machines is shown in the image below. iTerm bookmarks

Windows users that have downloaded the Putty package (see above) and have keys generated and saved on their system can use the Pageant program in the Putty distribution.

To use it, select ProgramsPuttyPageant. Pageant will start as an icon in your taskbar. The icon is this:

Double-click the icon to open the console. Then use the Add Key button to select the Private key file on your system. You will be asked to enter the passphrase.

Once you have done this, Pageant will be used to forward the keys to any system you have access to, and on which you have added the public key in the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

To enable forwarding of your key in Putty, make sure that the session you use in Putty has the option 'Agent Forwarding' enabled and the location of the key file filled in the Connection/SSH/Auth section (see screenshot below).

With port forwarding it is possible to, e.g., copy data with scp from a host that is not directly reachable by your local system. For instance, if you want to copy data from one of the cluster node systems to your local host, you first have to pass the data to the, as you can only access that system directly from the outside world. However, data space is not available on that system, so you are stuck…at least you think so..!

The solution is available and it uses port forwarding, or ssh tunneling.

First, set up the connection. Say, you want to set up a tunnel to lce019 through Of course, for this to work, you need an account on both systems.

> ssh  -L 10000:lce019.lofar:22 -l <username>

In this example, we use the local port 10000, but this could be any portnumber above 1024, as long as it is not used/claimed by another process. The portnumber 22 is the default ssh port that you will use for scp.

You are probably asked to provide a password; this is the password for the, and after providing it you will have logged into the portal. Leave this session open, as it defines the tunnel you use. You have now set up your tunnel.

To use the tunnel with scp, you can give the following commands. To copy files from your local system to the lce019 you type:

> scp -P 10000 <localfile> localhost:<remotefile>

You will be asked for a password. A way to prevent this is to combine these commands with ssh-agent forwarding; see above.

And to copy files from the remote host to your local host:

> scp -P 10000 localhost:<remotefile> <localfile>

After you have finished, you can close the session that defined the tunnel.

Automating the port forwarding hassle

Sounds pretty difficult and scary, all this port forwarding stuff. It's very likely that you had to read and re-read these instructions until you finally got things working. So, you might wonder, whether things could be simplified. Ideally, you would like to be able to simply type:

scp <local-file> [<user>]@<remote-host>:[<remote-file>]

as if you were doing an ordinary secure copy.

Also, you would probably like to be able to ssh directly into the remote system behind the firewall from your Linux box:

ssh lfe001
Can this be done?

Yes, this can be done! And it's very easy to setup. For example, assume you want to have access to the hosts kis001 and lfe001, both behind the LOFAR portal. All you have to do is add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host kis001 lfe001
  ProxyCommand ssh netcat %h %p

The real workhorse here is netcat, which, started at the portal, simply pipes data from your local machine to the remote machine and vice versa. No need to bind local ports to remote ports! Just ssh or scp to the remote host as if it were in your local network.

PuTTY is the above-mentioned windows tool that allows you to set up ssh connections to remote systems. You can also use PuTTY to set up ssh tunnels.

In the main screen, provide as host name. Then, in the ssh section, select Tunnels. In the Source Port type in 10000 (or, as mentioned, another local portnumber above 1024). In the Destination type: lce019.lofar:22. Then press the Add button so it shows in the list (See figure for where to fill in what).

Now save this session before pressing Open in the main Session menu. If you now press open, you have defined the tunnel. Depending on whether you have also enabled Agent forwarding (see above), you will have to enter a password or not.

To copy data to and from your Windows system, use the WinSCP tool. Define a new connection in WinSCP to localhost:10000, and you will be able to browse your directories on the lce019 system and get/put files. See the figure for what to fill in where in the new connection window of winscp. Optionally, you can provide a user name/password here, or the private key file to enable Agent forwarding.

  • Last modified: 2009-11-30 14:45
  • by Geert Kuper