Dynspec Toolkit Container (DTC): The Jupiter Tutorial
This page provide to DTC users a tutorial to familiarize with the use of the DTC. DTC is documented on this page: http://www.lofar.org/wiki/doku.php?id=public:user_software:dynspec
Download Jupiter Data for the tutorial
Use the following link to download the 300 Mb of the ICD6 Jupiter data: DATA
unzip Jupiter.zip
In contrast to the other tutorials, the Jupiter data are already in dynspec format (ICD006). User can plays with these data, visualize, convert to linear polarization, rebin them etc …
Visualization with Dynspec-Visu
Generate a dynspec with Linear, PA and Total polarization
Type the following command line in a terminal:
Dynspec-LinPol --outDir=$OUTPUT_DIR --ID=L85949 --filename=$FILENAME --RAM=1
Remember that the “–ID” keyword just determines the output filename (dynspec_tools#tools_sub-package).
The following text will appear on your terminal:
vilchez@lce010:/data/scratch/vilchez/Jupiter$ Dynspec-LinPol --outDir=/data/scratch/vilchez/Jupiter/ --ID=L85949 --filename=/data/scratch/vilchez/Jupiter/Dynspec_rebinned_L85949_SAP000.h5 --RAM=1 Linear Polarisation Process Finished Duration of processing: 2.3 s
Visualization with Dynspec-Visu (linear polarization):
(click for larger version!)
Now, we investigated all DTC functionalities.
In case of questions mail to: vilchez@astron.nl