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LOFAR opens up low-frequency universe – and starts new SETI search

The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), a new pan-European radio astronomy facility, has started mapping the Universe at very low energy wavelengths.

Published by the editorial team, 13 April 2010

ASTRON and NWO organise International SKA Forum 2010

ASTRON , together with the NWO, will organise and host the third International SKA Forum on Tuesday 15 June in the province of Drenthe.

Published by the editorial team, 31 March 2010

e-VLBI reveals missing link between Supernovae-Gamma Ray Burst explosions

An international team of scientists, including several astronomers from the JIVE and ASTRON, both located in Dwingeloo, have observed a supernova with peculiar radio emission.

Published by the editorial team, 28 January 2010

Astronomers are finding millisecond pulsars faster than ever

ASTRON astronomers are part of an international team that is discovering the exotic stars known as “millisecond pulsars” at an astonishing rate.

Published by the editorial team, 6 January 2010

ERC Advanced Grant for astronomer Ralph Wijers

Prof. dr. Ralph Wijers, astronomer of the Astronomical Institute ‘Anton Pannekoek’ of the UvA, has received an Advanced Grant of the ERC.

Published by the editorial team, 4 January 2010

LOFAR maps the radio sky at Effelsberg

Scientists at the Max Planck Institut for Radio Astronomy have made the first LOFAR “all-sky” images in the 110 to 190 MHz range.

Published by the editorial team, 18 December 2009

EXPReS hailed as “extraordinarily successful” to SKA design

The European Commission concluded their final review of EXPReS, hailing the project as “extraordinarily successful” .

Published by the editorial team, 11 December 2009

e-EVN aids detection “extremely prolific supernova factory”

e-EVN was critical in the detection of an “extremely prolific supernova factory” in the buried nucleus of a starburst galaxy last year.

Published by the editorial team, 4 December 2009

Vidi grant for ASTRON astronomer Marijke Haverkorn

Marijke Haverkorn, astronomer at ASTRON, has received a Vidi grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO.

Published by the editorial team, 24 November 2009

Special prize for radio astronomy’s contribution to WiFi

John O’Sullivan from the Australian CSIRO has been awarded the Australian Prime Ministers Special Prize in Science for 2009.

Published by the editorial team, 30 October 2009

Over 800 people visited Astronomy Day Dwingeloo

Yesterday, during the Astronomy Day Dwingeloo, over 800 people visited the Planetron, CAMRAS and ASTRON.

Published by the editorial team, 26 October 2009

Planetron, CAMRAS & ASTRON organise Sterrendag Dwingeloo

Many interesting questions surrounding astronomy will be answered during the Sterrendag Dwingeloo (Star Day Dwingeloo).

Published by the editorial team, 7 October 2009


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