
This is an old revision of the document!

Important LOFAR dates

Collection of important dates regarding the LOFAR system. This collects known Stopdays, Software releases, etc. Subject to change, so if you need to stay up-to-date, syubscriube to this page (use 'manage subscriptions' tab at the top of this page).

This calender should be in sync with the LOFAR activity agenda:

Please, let us know if you find any discrepancies. ( ro_wiki (at) )

:!: The stop-days procedure can be found on this page :!:

Note: The dates are links to pages with planned changes/activities!

2018 Coordinator
Feb 6 Reinoud
Apr 3 Teun
Jun 5 Reinoud
Aug 7 Teun
Oct 2 Reinoud
Dec 4 Teun
2017 Coordinator
Jan 3 Teun
Feb 7 Reinoud
Mar 7 Teun
Apr 4 Reinoud
May 2 Teun
Jun 6 Reinoud
Jul 4 Reinoud
Aug 1 Teun
Sep 5 Reinoud
Oct 3 Skipped
Nov 7 Reinoud
Dec 5 Teun
2016 Coordinator
Apr 5
Jun 7
Jul 12
Aug 2
Aug 30
Oct 4
Nov 1 Teun
Dec 6 Teun

After a stopday, software support will go through a checklist before handing over the system to Science Operations and Support and operators. That list is here.

The coordinator reports OBS, SOS and SDOS by mail that the stopday has finished.

2016 Version 2017 Version 2018 Version
Jan 25 2.15 Feb 13 2.20 12 Feb
Mar 14 2.16 Mar 13 Skipped 16 Apr
May 23 2.17 May 8 June 12 2.21 18 Jun
Jul 4 Jul 10 2.21.5 (Minor rollout) 10 Sep
Sep 12 2.17.6 Sep 11 2.22 5 Nov
Nov 7 2.19 Oct 16 3.0 10 Dec
Dec 5 Skipped Dec 11 Will be skipped
  • Last modified: 2018-01-18 12:26
  • by Reinoud Bokhorst